
Environmental Responsibility

Artemis aims to:

  • Inform all employees, contractors and vendors about our environmental policy and make them aware of their environmental responsibilities;
  • Engage with stakeholders to identify and manage sustainable development risks;
  • Comply with applicable environmental laws and regulations to which the organisation subscribes;
  • Ensure effective systems, practices and documented plans are in place to manage and mitigate environmental impacts and pollution from our activities by proactively managing risks;
  • Establish and document processes to identify and manage risks and opportunities that lessens the Company’s environmental footprint;
  • Integrate mine closure and progressive rehabilitation into the life-cycle of our operations to minimise our environmental legacy;
  • Report to stakeholders on the Company’s environmental and sustainability performance.

Occupational Health and Safety

The Company has an established health and safety policy which is communicated to all team members, major suppliers and contractors.

  • We continually strive to improve our health and safety management systems and practices
  • We accept responsibility for the occupational health and safety of our people, and we all accept responsibility for our personal safety and health and that of others
  • We provide effective training and the right equipment for people to work safely
  • Controlling risk and ensuring health and safety is a key part of every decision
  • We promote off the job safety and support the wellness of our people

Completing our strategic approach is a continual improvement focus on Process Safety Management, an area of safety management which is primarily concerned with preventing high-consequence catastrophic events.

Governance, Ethic and Transparency

The Company has established Corporate Governance and Code of Ethics policies.

The Directors strive to ensure that all team members operate within these guidelines and that we are open and transparent with the community within which we operate, with regulators and with our shareholders.

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